
This site is dedicated to those who will not accept waiting for a great life.

I explore how to get the most out of today for yourself and those you care about because tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. I believe that entrepreneurs are the engine that moves humanity forward. I believe that entrepreneurship provides the best chance to live your ideal life. I also believe that the mindset of an entrepreneur can be held by anyone. It is a mindset that says we do not accept the boundaries of the world as they have been presented to us. We challenge the status quo which in many cases is a life of postponed living. We are not working toward a retirement decades in the future where we finally spend our time how we choose, focused on our health and wellbeing. We have the option to do that today by focusing on creating value for others and value for ourselves.

Monetary wealth can be built at the expense of today or in service of it, choose wisely.

Who I am in 90 words

“I am intensely curious about what makes a life well-lived.”

— Jarrod Musick

I live in Denver, Colorado with my wife, our five-year-old twins, and our pup Bentley.

I run mountains, fish rivers, and enjoy moving every day.

I own a company called Destiny Capital and the brand Entrepreneur Aligned and have the privilege to lead that outstanding team.

My biggest philosophical influence
Naval Ravikant on Twitter

Stay in Touch
My Blog – The curated list of thoughts on the life well lived as an Entrepreneur

Twitter – Shares and retweets of what I am looking at

Instagram – Pictures of trail running and obstacle course racing