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Why Entrepreneurs Don’t Believe Their Business Valuation

Risk. No not financial risk but there certainly is plenty of that with small business entrepreneurship. No we are talking about emotional risk. The risk that if I allow myself to internalize a value number and anchor to it emotionally there are powerful emotions connected to that. Because what if that valuation number turns out not to be true in the end? What if I make plans based on that number and I have to change those plans?


Crypto For Nonmajors #1 – What is cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is money native to the internet. Cryptocurrency is a system that is trustless and permissionless. A trustless and permissionless system is a system free from abuse and censorship. Cryptocurrency will change the way we interact with money and I will show you how to understand it.


Entrepreneur Make Room for the New

Cut outdated pieces of your business to make room for what matters

Adding complexity without removing the unnecessary is insanity. We are biased toward this insanity as we stack the new ontop of the old instead of reevaluating what we already have first. Our businesses are built by hand, brick by brick as it were, and the same people who laid those bricks are reluctant to smash them with a sledgehammer to start again.


The Abundant Entrepreneur Reviews

“There are plenty of books for starting a business out there. But this book is unique in that it helps entrepreneurs get the most out of the entrepreneurial journey they have already started. An incredibly valuable book and must read for all entrepreneurs!”


“As an entrepreneur I found this book incredibly helpful. It’s easy as you grow your business to spend way too much time on the business and forget about the power you have to leverage that business to live the life you want to live. This is one of the most helpful books an entrepreneur can read and is full of information about how to organize both business and life.”

Gabriel Schirm

Welcome Message From Jarrod

This site is dedicated to those who will not accept waiting for a great life. I explore how to get the most out of today for yourself and those you care about because tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. I believe that entrepreneurs are the engine that moves humanity forward. I believe that entrepreneurship provides the best chance to live your ideal life. I also believe that the mindset of an entrepreneur can be held by anyone. It is a mindset that says we do not accept the boundaries of the world as they have been presented to us. We challenge the status quo which in many cases is a life of postponed living. We are not working toward a retirement decades in the future where we finally spend our time how we choose, focused on our health and wellbeing. We have the option to do that today by focusing on creating value for others and value for ourselves. Monetary wealth can be built at the expense of today or in service of it, choose wisely.

4 Big Things

4 Big Things – October 8, 2021

Here are the four best things I read, listened to, or learned in the past week.

1) Entrepreneur Education

In one sentence: Remember when everyone was amazed at Facebook acquiring Instagram and all 13 employees for $1B back in 2012?
